
pre acceptance and Duty of care

CliniPower will always require pre-audits prior to delivery or collection of any wastes. We need this information to use as supporting documentation to ensure that both CliniPower and you the customer are compliant.

These waste Pre-Acceptance procedures apply to all clinical and offensive wastes produced by the carrying out of healthcare activities (correctly classified under chapter 20 of the List of Wastes)

This process is in place primarily to identify the presence of the following in clinical waste streams from healthcare activities.

  • Infectious waste
  • Non-hazardous wastes, for example municipal waste or offensive waste
  • Anatomical waste, other animal or human tissues, and blood products
  • Medicines and medicinally contaminated waste
  • Chemicals and chemically contaminated waste
  • Microbiological cultures and related laboratory wastes to which additional controls may apply
  • Mercury and amalgam
  • Non-hazardous gypsum wastes

All the audit information needs to be obtained and assessed prior to delivery of the first batch of waste from your premises, and then at the following minimum frequencies:

  • Every 12 months for each medical practice that five tonnes or more of clinical waste every calendar year.
  • Every two years for each veterinary practice, dental practice, and laboratory that produces less than five tonnes of clinical waste in any calendar year.
  • Every five years for other healthcare producers of clinical waste.

We can only accept waste into our plants if it conforms to the description supplied by you the pre acceptance audit.

These processes are in place to help CliniPower ensure that your wastes will be dealt with compliantly, sustainable and in the most cost effective way possible.